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We are a network of Bible-centred churches working together to strengthen leaders, train believers and advance the gospel.

Convinced that Christ will build his church, we are passionate about working in partnership to grow local churches through: Bible centred ministry, Uniting in prayer, Courageous evangelism and Authentic gospel unity.

Under God, and all for his glory, our aim is:- To strengthen a partnership of church leaders, To grow and equip Christians for gospel ministry, and To advance the gospel through partnering in mission and planting new churches.

To do this together we need to know which churches and individuals are in partnership with us.

Church membership and individual membership are possible for churches/individuals who are clearly in sympathy with the values and aims of the Gospel Partnership, who subscribe to the basis of faith and are willing to fulfil the membership commitment.

Membership commitment

We ask all Partnership members to:
· Sign the Declaration Form annually
· Ministers to attend Partnership meetings or send apologies
· Pray for the work of the Partnership
· Work together with other Partnership churches, wherever possible, in furthering the Partnership’s aims
· Contribute at least annually to the finances of the Partnership

The strength of the Partnership lies in its being primarily a partnership between churches, but we do offer two types of Membership:

Church membership

A Church enters the partnership, in accordance with its own decision making procedures. On behalf of your church a senior representative will sign the ‘Church Partnership Application Form’. To assist a church in joining we offer to supply a member of the steering group to visit and speak about the values and purpose of the network. We also offer the partnership video as a tool for communicating our vision. Payment of annual subscription and signature of the Annual Declaration by your senior representative will indicate continued commitment to the Partnership. Payments should be made by 31 January of each new year. Church membership donation is suggested as £50 for smaller churches, and £200 for larger churches.

Individual membership

Individual membership for ministers and other leaders where the church they serve is not yet in a position to become a member. An individual member should sign the ‘Annual Declaration Form’ and pay the subscription to become and to remain a member of the Partnership. Individual membership donation is suggested as £30 towards the cost of Partnership Meetings (which include lunch).

Reception into membership

Prospective church and individual members will apply for membership of the Partnership. Their membership will need to be agreed by the Partnership Steering Group, who will want to ensure that the church or individual demonstrates adherence to the values, aims and basis of faith of the Partnership and understands the terms of membership commitment. 

Hello and welcome to our church. If you are a new visitor, we have a page for you to get to know us and learn more about planning a visit.
Click here to see more.